Notice of Board Nominations 2024
Notice of Board Nominations:
Retiree/Past Employee & Southern Region
As per the Koruhealth (previously known as Staff Welfare Society) Rules, election of Board Members is on a rotational basis and elections are held each year at the Annual General Meeting.
The next meeting is being held on Thursday 20th June 2024, at 1.00pm
in the Canterbury Room, No.1 Hangar, 125 Orchard Road, Christchurch.
This year two Board members come up for election, one for the
Retiree/Past Employee and one for the Southern Region.
A nomination form is available on request by contacting:-
Maria King or Kathy Stearn
Tel: 03 374 7621 or extn 87621
Nominations are to be forward to the Administrators,
Koruhealth, PO Box 14005, Christchurch Airport and must be
received no later than 31 May 2024.